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Disorder 6: Mindful

Retrato de una mujer que muestra una espada con las palabras esperanza y supervivencia escritas
Ilustración de M. Reyes Fragueiro

Engela Borruso captura vívidamente los altibajos emocionales del trastorno bipolar. Expresa la lucha entre sentirse arriba y abajo, la necesidad de comprensión y ayuda, y el deseo de conectarse con otras personas que podrían compartir experiencias similares.

La letra también destaca cómo este trastorno puede afectar no solo al individuo, sino también a quienes lo rodean. En general, la letra ofrece una visión sincera de los desafíos y esperanzas de afrontar el trastorno bipolar.


My struggle is real
You see today
Death lurked at me
You see today
I have no fight left
This fight is mine
And mine alone

Substance is for me
a serene way out
I've called for help
But Silence followed
No helping hand

There's good and there's bad
Shall I cry
Or Just die

Hell or heaven
Playing out
Inside me
What now?

Help me
Save me
Save me
From this war

There's good and there is bad
There's good in all of us
We can't deny the fact that there is hope
We can't deny the fact it's pure survival

So tell me friend
whatever secrets you still hold
and how you have survived till now?

Who can understand
our minds, our way of thinking?
Can't the world see, what we are going through?

Tell me, do you understand?
Just tell me, I'm not alone in this hell hole, I find
Please you see, this fight is not mine alone.
It affects everyone, everyone, around me.

That follow me around
Everywhere I go
Everywhere I can't escape
Sometimes can't tell,
reality, from real life
Fainted memories
Help me from my mind!